Regulated Industries

About Regulated Industries

The following State-Owned Entities are declared for purposes of the ICCC Act to be regulated by the ICCC; PNG Ports Corporation Limited, Post PNG Limited, and Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited.

PNG Power Limited was also regulated until June 2021 when our roles and responsibilities in the electricity industry were transferred to the National Energy Authority (NEA) through a National Executive Council’s decision (NEC Decision No: 256/2021). The ICCC also regulates the industries in which they operate.

The regulated industries are declared under the respective industry Acts for purposes of the ICCC Act. The industry laws include the Harbours Act (Chapter No. 240), Postal Services Act 1996, and Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Act (Chapter No. 295).

For the Essential Port Services Industry, the ICCC regulates PNG Ports Corporation Limited and provides oversight on tariffs and service standards for the provision of wharfage, berthage, and berth reservation services.

In Compulsory Third Party Motor Vehicle Insurance Industry, the ICCC regulates Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited premiums and service standards for the provision of motor vehicle third-party insurance coverage.

The ICCC also regulates tariffs for Post PNG Limited for the provision of postage stamps for letters weighing up to 50 grams, private letter boxes, and bags.